Complex Choice Landscape Maker

This is not a complete guide to setting up a Qualtrics survey. It is, however, all of the pieces needed to create a study similar to my complex choice studies in which people explore rugged landscapes. If you want to click through an example study, follow this link.

The files are not fully commented and have not been copy-edited. If you are interested in replicating my work, email me — I would love to chat and help you set everything up.

The first thing that you will need is the peak-building code. This is a snippet of JavaScript embedded in some HTML that will open in a browser. If you want to sample it, click here. It will produce an array of numbers that can be parsed into a 24 x 24 landscape grid. This snippet of R code will allow you to visualize an array. If you click the click here link, click the Try it button, copy the resulting array, paste it into the R snippet, and run the script it will make a nice visualization of the landscape. The highest point has an elevation of 32 units. The landscape is continuous over the edges, meaning that it can be wrapped into a donut-shaped world.

This is an example implementation of the peak-building code in Qualtrics that makes three unique 1-peak landscapes. Note that there are various embedded data fields called in this snippet that should be added at the beginning of the survey flow.

There is a number of ways to make dials. The easiest (i.e., least technical) is to use this roundSlider plugin. This code should be added to the header and footer of your survey. It pulls in the roundSlider plugin. This is a 1-peaked example of the search task.

If you want a Qualtrics file that implements a complex choice search task, just email me and I will find time to make one for you.